Matbro Man - WB Handling - IntroductionMatbro TeleportersMatbro Man offers 24 hour callout service throughout the UK. WB Handling is known as Matbro Man. Matbro Man is a telehandler specialist company offering a comprehensive repair and servicing solution for all makes of telescopic loaders, either on or off-site. The company was started by 'Matbro Man' Wayne Bowen, an agricultural engineer with 19 years experience of repairing transmissions, hydraulics and electrics - especially in Matbro telescopic handling equipment. As well as offering service and repairs, WB Handling can also supply second-hand handlers and new parts for most makes at competitive prices. WB Handling are also breaking Matbro machines on a regular basis MultiOne Loaders and AttachmentsW B Handling are now able to offer a full range of MultiOne Loaders and attachments. We offer NEW MultiOne Sales, Service and Repairs.